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Andy Adkins

Meet Andy

Office - (913) 914-9563
Mobile - 913-231-9365
Fax - 913-499-4579
NMLS #956645

About Andy Adkins

Advice for New Home Buyers

Enjoy the process and have fun looking for your new home! I’ll make the lending part simple, fun and easy. Stay positive and know you will find the perfect place at just the right time. When you find the perfect one, write the seller a letter about why you and your family are perfect for the home and how you will fill it with love, joy and take awesome care of it!! Believe me, they care and this will make you stand out.

Get to know Andy

What is your motto or personal mantra?

What you focus on grows, so focus daily on the positive outcomes you desire in your life and they will absolutely come true.

What is something that people would be surprised if they knew about you?

I make an award-winning cherry pie from scratch. As a kid, my grandmother Helen always made me one every time I went to the farm to visit. She never had a recipe written down so when she lost her memory, I lost the best pie ever made. Store pies are awful, so I researched and tried tons of recipes before finally finding one that was close. After a few tweaks I had it and won 2 pie contests with it! I use her old rolling pin when I make the crust. Thanks Grandma!!

What is your favorite sports team?

Kansas City Chiefs

What’s your alma mater?

I played football at Butler County Community College in El Dorado, KS before receiving a full scholarship at Fort Hays State University in Hays, KS. Go Tigers!

What is on your bucket list?

Riding a bull.

What aspect of your job are you most passionate about?

Being a fun, energetic partner for my customers and helping them achieve the American dream of home ownership.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Bonner Springs, KS and married my high school sweetheart, Kristy.

What are some of your hobbies?

Spending time with my beautiful wife, riding our horses, travel, bootcamp style workouts, and reading inspirational self-help books.

Before working at NBKC, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

In high school I helped my neighbor build houses over my summers. The only thing he contracted out was the foundation, HVAC, and shingling the roof. We built the whole thing and I learned all of it. I can fix, build, wire and plumb anything as a result of that learning experience.